
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good Bye 2011 with Mutton - Mushroom Soup

It’s time to tell good bye to 2011 and welcome 2012 with new resolutions. 2011 is going to pass and there were many good things as well as bad which we all had. Until now, from my childhood till this day, it is this year that I can never ever forget. This year was the year which I have suffered a lot. Hoping/praying 2012 will bring extra happiness to each and every one. Each day from February 2011 to December I can remember, after finishing one hurdle the other will be waiting to come by the way………what to do…….we have to face…..isn’t it? We can’t escape from anything what God decided. It is this year that made me know/understand how to lead life through pain………..Pray to God……he is the one who can help us………….Now I tells my mind that God give pain to whom he likes because he wants to hear them pray to him in every seconds.

And of course  2011 is another memorable year too……I started blog in September 2011, by this time I got many sweet blogger friends and their lovely comments, this eased much of my sadness, while sleeping, eating, working………..all the time blog comes to my mind and thinks of new dishes to present before you.

Welcome this New Year by pledging that you will not bring tears to any eye, love everybody true from your heart, start each day of 2012 as a first day of the year with positive oath, and inspire others to do good things and of course strongly believe in God.
Coming to the recipe, this is a special recipe……..special means it is very special to me because it is my hubby’s recipe and he is the one who prepared this delicious soup. We can wind up 2011 with a warm and healthy soup, which is perfect for this season.

Mutton: 200gms (bone with little flesh)
Oats: ¼ cup
Garlic cloves: 5
Mushroom: 100gms
Carrot: 1
Pepper powder: 1tbsp (or as per taste)
Salt: needed
Olive oil: 1 tbsp
Lemon Juice: 1tbsp
Coriander leaves chopped: needed (optional)
Method of Preparation
Chop mushroom and carrot and keep aside.
In a pressure cooker add oats, pepper powder and garlic cloves and add 4-5 cups water.
Let 3 whistles come, when the pressure releases open and add washed mutton pieces.
Wait for another 3 whistles and again wait for the pressure to release.
Open and add mushroom, carrot and salt. Close the lid.
Wait for another 1 more whistle.
When the pressure releases open and add olive oil to it.
 Add some chopped coriander leaves. (This step is optional, add it if you love the flavor)
Add 1tbsp lemon juice just before serving.
Serve hot.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Kadala/ Chick Pea Curry

Kadala/ White Chick pea/ Chana: 1 cup
Onion: 2
Tomato: 1
Garlic & ginger paste: 1tsp
Coriander powder: 2tbsp
Chilli powder: 1tbsp
Turmeric powder: 1tsp
Garam Masala: ½ tsp
Salt: needed
Coconut Milk powder: 3tbsp
Coconut oil: 2tbsp
Shallots: 5
Curry leaves: few
Coriander leaves chopped: needed
Method of Preparation
Soak kadala in water for 6 hours.
Wash and put in pressure cooker, Add sliced onion, tomato, ginger-garlic paste, coriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and salt to it.
Add enough water, close with the lid and switch on the flame.
Switch off the flame after 5 whistles Or till the chana gets cooked well.
Open the lid after the pressure is released from the cooker.
Switch on the flame and add coconut milk powder and stir well.
If the gravy didn’t become thick, put in medium flame till the gravy becomes thick.
Then switch off the flame.
Heat oil in a pan, add chopped shallots, when it turns brown, add curry leaves.
Transfer this to the prepared chana curry.
Add chopped coriander leaves.
Serve hot with roti, appam, idiyappam…….

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Drumstick-Daal Curry

Red lentils: ¾ cup
Drumstick: 15-20 pieces (cut into 3” length)
Turmeric powder: ½ tsp
Chilli powder: 1tsp
Onion: 1
Tomato: 2 big
Jeera powder/ Cumin powder: ½ tsp (optional)
Salt: needed
Coconut oil: 1tbsp
Mustard seeds: ½ tsp
Curry leaves: few
Method of Preparation
Take a pressure cooker, add washed lentils, chopped onion and tomato, turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt. Add enough water too.
Close the lid and keep on flame. Switch off, when two whistles come.
Open when pressure release and add the drumstick pieces and switch on the flame.
When drumstick pieces get cooked and gravy becomes thick, add cumin powder and switch off the flame. ( be careful, don’t overcook drumstick pieces)
Heat oil in pan, splutter mustard seeds and add curry leaves.
Transfer this to drumstick curry.

Sending to the event hosted at Wit, Wok & wisdom

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Awards Time (Inspirational Blog Award & Liebster Blog)

Once Again, here comes the award time, I really thank god, my brother shafeek, who encouraged me to start this blog, only bcoz of him I started this blog and came across many sweet friends and of course my blogger friends who passed this lovely award. Prathiba of Cook eeze and sonali of Only Fish Recipes have passed me this sweet award, I really feel honored and so happy to accept this award.

The inspirational blogger award has got a very lovely thought of answering 8 questions regarding you as a person along with this sweet award. My answers are marked in red and bold under each question. Of course answering it was very interesting.

1. What makes you laugh, smile or giggle?
It can be any joke said by any one. If my sisters, cousins, if we all gather means non- stop laughing will be there and at last my mom will scold us for making too much noise. Really I miss those days now.
2. What are your dreams for your future?
Actually I don’t dream for anything high. What it comes in my way I will / have to accept it. It is surely the God who decides it. Only pray that the life should go smooth without much tension.
3. If you are going to a cruise, where would it be and why?
Of course to Hawaii or to any beautiful island………
4. How would you spend your vacation and with whom?
Would love to enjoy the vacation with my whole family, sisters, cousins, friends etc…..

5. If given a life, what life would you choose? Your life now or your past?
Have to accept anything that comes in our way. The life now or past to choose is not at all meaningful. The truth is whichever we select we can’t stay in the same, years go by.

6. Is there something that you wished before when you were young but you didn't get it?
Of course there would be many things. Pointing out 1 will be very difficult.
7. Have you been in a situation where you might have given up but you still choose to move on?
There are many, I had and still now have many tough situations. Have to face it, nobody in the world other than God can cease my sadness. Will pray and wait for it.

8. Is there someone in your life who has been your source of strength and inspiration?
First of all my parents, husband, siblings and friends are my motivations and always supports me well in all my activities.

I would like to share this award with my few blogger friends who inspired me with their inventive and sweet dishes.
Deepa of Hamaree Rasoi
Jaleela of Cookbook Jaleela
Deepa of Naughty Curry
Chandrani of Cusine Delights
My sweet friend Of Kurry leaves
Again, one more award which I received from my sweet friend Of Kurry leaves. Thank you very much dear for sharing with me this award. She owns a wonderful blog, Please do visit her blog and pass your valuable comments.
'Liebster' means favourite or dearest in German. Rules for accepting the award:
- Thank the person who gave the award and link back to their blog.
- Copy and paste the award to your blog.
- Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.
- Hope they pass it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honour
I would like to share this award with my few friends,
Prathiba of Cook eeze
Friends please grab these awards and pass it to your best blogger friend who motivates you a lot. Let the stone roll without ending

Mango Smoothie

Even though this is so easy to prepare, it is really delicious. Try this; I am sure you will also like it. It doesn’t suits this weather still I tried it yesterday. Here goes the recipe.
Mango: 1cup (ripe, peeled and cut into pieces)
Yogurt/ curd: 1 ½ cup
Sugar: 2tbsp (or as needed)
Ice crushed: ¼ cup
Method of Preparation
In a blender add mango pieces, yogurt, sugar and crushed ice.
Serve Chilled.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Caramel Semiya Custard

Custard powder: 3tbsp
Milk: ½ ltr
Sugar: 4tbsp (or as per taste)
Caramelizing vermicelli
Vermicelli/Semiya: 3tbsp (broken into small pieces)
Butter: 1tsp
Sugar: 1tbsp
Water: 2-3 tbsp
Caramel Syrup
Sugar: 3tbsp
Water: 5-7tbsp
Apple: 1 (chopped) (optional)
Method of Preparation
Caramel syrup
Heat a non- stick pan, add sugar to it, when it starts to brown add water to it. Stir well, after 30 seconds switch off the flame. Keep aside.
Caramelizing vermicelli
Heat butter and add vermicelli to it, roast it till it becomes slight brown. Switch off the flame and keep aside.
Heat 1tbsp sugar in a non- stick pan, when it starts to brown add the roasted vermicelli, stir and add 2tbsp water to it and switch off the flame after half minute.                                                                                                                              
Take milk in a bowl; add sugar and custard powder to it.
Stir well without forming lumps. Keep on flame, stir frequently till it thickens.
Switch off the flame. Keep aside let it cool slightly.
Take a small bowl in which you are going to set the pudding add 1tbsp caramel syrup, and then add little caramelized vermicelli, then add the some custard to it on top add some chopped apple pieces and caramel syrup and again add some custard.
Do the same in each bowls. Refrigerate to 2-3 hours or till it sets.
Serve chilled.
Sending this to Kavi’s space edible entertainment, Jingle all the way

Monday, December 26, 2011

Chappathi Rolls

Again here comes a recipe with left over chappathi. First I thought will reheat and take it for dinner, but I was sure that all the hands will go to fresh chappathi only, not only theirs mine too. After a long thought, decided to try this snack. This was really a knockout preparation. It was crispy and crunchy, a best tea time snack. But have to use thin chappathis. I usually make thin 1; no one in our family likes the thick version.
Chappathi: 6
Maida: 2tbsp + 1tbsp
Bread Crumps: needed
Salt: a pinch
Oil: Deep Fry
Method of Preparation
Take 2tbsp maida and add little water to it and make a thick paste out of it.
Roll the chappathi length wise and seal the edges with the maida paste and cut into two piece (cutting to two piece makes it easy for frying).
Take 1 tbsp maida add water to it to make a very thin batter and add a pinch of salt to it. (You can use egg instead of this).
Take bread crumps in another bowl.
Heat oil in pan for deep frying.
Take each piece of rolled chappathi and dip in thin maida batter, roll in bread crumps abnd deep fry till it comes reddish brown color.
Serve hot with tea.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Caramelized Semiya Kheer

Semiya: 1 cup
Milk: 3-4 cups
Roasted cashews and raisins: few
Cardamom powder: ½ tsp
Sugar: ¼ cup
Ghee: 1tbsp
Method of Preparation
  • Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a non- stick kadai/, roast semiya and keep aside.
  • In the same pan add sugar, stir and when it becomes slight brown color add milk to it and stir.
  • When it boils add roasted vermicelli, stir and lower the flame.
  • Stir frequently, be careful not to go anywhere from the pan, there is a chance that the milk will boil and spill out of the pan.
  • When semiya gets cooked and when it slightly thickens add the cardamom powder, roasted cashew nuts and raisins. Switch off the flame.
Sending this to Kavi’s space edible entertainment, Jingle all the way

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Banana Cutlet

Banana/ Ripe plantain: 3
Coconut Grated: ½ cup (or as needed)
Roasted cashew nuts and raisins: few
Egg: 2
Sugar: 2tbsp
Cardamom powder: ¼ tsp
Ghee: 1tsp
Bread Crumps: needed
Egg: 1 (If required only)
Oil: Deep Fry
Method of Preparation
Steam banana. Mash well with masher or hand. (Use ripe bananas). Keep aside.
Beat egg by adding sugar and cardamom powder.
Heat 1tsp ghee, add the egg mix and scramble it. When it is almost done add the grated coconut to it. Stir for another 1 minute. Add roasted cashew nuts and raisins. Switch off the flame.
Beat the egg and keep aside. Take bread crumps in another bowl.
Heat oil in a pan.
Take a small ball of mashed banana, flatten it, add 1tsp egg mix into it again roll into round shape and again flatten it a bit.
Roll this in beaten egg (if the banana is moist enough that the bread crumps will coat on it, you can avoid this step)
Then roll in bread crumps. Continue this process till you finish the mashed banana.
Deep fry in oil, till both side becomes reddish brown color.
Delicious tea time snack is ready to serve.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Squid Biriyani

For Masala
Squid/ Koonthal: 500gms (cleaned and cut into round pieces)
Onion: 2
Ginger paste: 1tbsp
Garlic Paste: 1 tbsp
Green Chilli: 2
Tomato: 3 big
Garam Masala Powder: 1tsp
Chilli Powder: 1tsp
Turmeric Powder: 1tsp
Lemon Juice: 1tsp
Coriander leaves chopped:  2 strings
Salt: Needed
Refined oil: 2 tbsp
For Rice
Biriyani Rice: 1 ½ cups
Cardamom pods: 3
Cloves: 3
Cinnamon Stick 1” piece: 2
Bay leaves: 1
Black pepper: ½ tsp
Lemon Juice: 1tsp
Salt: Needed
Ghee: 1tbsp
For Layering:
Roasted cashew nuts: 2tbsp
Roasted Raisins: 2 tbsp
Golden Fried Onions: with 1 onion
Coriander leaves: 2 strings
Mint leaves: 1 string
Ghee: 2 tbsp
Garam Masala: needed
Method of Preparation
Wash and soak rice for 15 minutes.
Boil water by adding cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, black pepper, ghee, lemon juice and salt.
When water boils, add rice to it. When it is 85% cooked, drain and keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan, add sliced onion.
When onion turns brown, add ginger- garlic paste. Stir for a while.
Add chopped tomatoes and salt to it. When tomatoes get cooked, add garam masala, chilli powder and turmeric powder.
Stir and add squid pieces to it. Close and cook till squid gets cooked. And masala becomes dry.
Now add coriander leaves and lemon juice to it and switch off the flame.
In a bowl with air tight lid or can use pressure cooker also, Keep on very low flame.
Add ½ tbsp ghee to it, add half of the cooked and drained riced.
On top of it, Sprinkle some ghee, garam masala, fried onion, roasted cashews and raisins, chopped coriander and mint leaves.
Add the squid masala, spread evenly on top of the rice and add the other half of rice on top of the masala.
Sprinkle ghee, garam masala, fried onion, roasted cashews and raisins, chopped coriander and mint leaves on top of the rice and close with an air tight lid.
Increase the flame for about a minute. Then put in very low flame to about 45 minutes.
Wait for another 15-20 minutes to open the lid.
Delicious squid biriyani is ready to serve.

Sending this & the following recipes to Reva's "Royal Feast -Biriyani" event.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Triangle Chappathi

Wheat Flour: 2 cups
Warm Milk: Needed
Salt: needed
Ghee/Butter: needed
Method of Preparation
In a bowl add flour and salt. Make soft dough by adding warm milk to it.
Keep aside for 1 hour.
Take small ball from it. Flatten it to a small round chappathi.
Spread oil/butter on it. Cut till half of the chappathi and fold in cone shape.
Detail is shown in the figure.

After folding flatten it a bit more like a triangle/ cone. (take care to maintain the shape while flattening)
Heat a pan, spread ghee on it. Place the chappathi and cook until both sides are done.
Spread butter/ghee on it after taking from the pan.
Serve hot.
Tips: I made thin chappathis as our family is fond thin soft chappathis rather than the thick ones. You can adapt as per your taste.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vanilla Slice Cake

Maida/ All-purpose Flour: 2 ½ cups
Sugar: 1 ¾ cup
Eggs: 4
Milk: ¾ cup (or as needed)
Vanilla essence: 1tsp
Vegetable oil: ¾ cup
Baking Powder: 1 tbsp
Method of Preparation
In a large bowl add sugar and egg yolks and beat well with an electric beater to about a minute.
Add flour, milk, oil, baking powder and vanilla to it.
Beat for another minute. The batter should be smooth and creamy. (Adjust the milk accordingly){The batter should not be too thick or too thin}.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer till it is fluffy.
Add this to the batter and stir very slowly and carefully with a wooden spoon. Don’t over stir.
Pour this into the greased rectangular baking tray.
Bake in the preheated oven to about 30 minutes or until the top becomes slight brown color and when a tooth pick or knife is inserted it should come out clean.
Slice when it is cooled completely.
Enjoy with tea.

Macaroni Chicken Cutlet

Leftover macaroni was lying in my refrigerator and I was thinking what to do with it; reheat and take it for dinner, no one will be interested, dumping into dust bin, I feel so tensed. Suddenly making cutlet out of it came into my mind. Why not, I thought I will try it. To tell you, it was vanished within a minute. My son was waiting near me to grab it after the clicks.

 I didn’t use potato to make the cutlets. The macaroni which I made was slightly overcooked and sticky and I rolled it into balls straight way taking from refrigerator, so I could do it well. I promise you it will be an innovative snack, the best way to use leftover macaroni.
Cooked Macaroni with chicken: 3 cups (cooled) {I used the leftover cooked macaroni}
Potato: 1 {optional} (I could roll macaroni into balls without using potato)
Bread Crumps: needed
Egg: 1
Refined Oil: For Deep Frying
Method of Preparation
Cook potato by adding salt. Mash it well
In a bowl, add cooked macaroni and mashed potato. Mix well.
Roll into small balls and flatten a little.
In a bowl add egg and beat well, in another bowl take bread crumps
Heat oil in a pan, Take the flattened macaroni balls.
Dip first in egg and then roll in bread crumps and deep fry in oil.
Fry both sides until golden brown.
Serve hot with tea.
Try this it will be a super snack.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Macaroni In Chicken Gravy

Macaroni: 400gms
Chicken: 300gms (boneless)
French Beans: I cup (chopped){optional}
Onion: 2
Tomato: 3 big
Ginger Garlic Paste: 2tbsp
Cashew Paste: 3tbsp
Garam Masala: 2tbsp
Chilli Powder: 1tbsp
Tomato Paste: 1tbsp
Yogurt: 3tbsp
Butter: 3tbsp
Coriander Leaves: 2 strings
Salt: Needed
Method of Preparation
Cook macaroni by adding salt. Drain and keep aside.
Heat Butter in a pan, Add sliced onion, when onion turns slight brown
Add ginger and garlic paste. Stir well
Add chopped tomatoes to it.
When tomatoes get cooked add chilli powder and garam masala powder.
After stirring add cashew paste and tomato paste.
Then switch of the flame and add yogurt and stir well. (Low the flame or switch off the flame before adding yogurt so that it will not curdle)
Switch on the flame and add chicken pieces, beans and salt. Add required water if needed only. I normally don’t add water and cooks in low flame
Close with a lid and wait till the chicken gets cooked.
Add half of the chopped coriander leaves to the chicken.
Stir and add cooked macaroni to the chicken.
Stir and let it be in very low flame for 15 minutes, so that the chicken and macaroni gets mixed up well.
Switch off the flame and add the left coriander leaves.
Serve hot.