
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Awards Time (Inspirational Blog Award & Liebster Blog)

Once Again, here comes the award time, I really thank god, my brother shafeek, who encouraged me to start this blog, only bcoz of him I started this blog and came across many sweet friends and of course my blogger friends who passed this lovely award. Prathiba of Cook eeze and sonali of Only Fish Recipes have passed me this sweet award, I really feel honored and so happy to accept this award.

The inspirational blogger award has got a very lovely thought of answering 8 questions regarding you as a person along with this sweet award. My answers are marked in red and bold under each question. Of course answering it was very interesting.

1. What makes you laugh, smile or giggle?
It can be any joke said by any one. If my sisters, cousins, if we all gather means non- stop laughing will be there and at last my mom will scold us for making too much noise. Really I miss those days now.
2. What are your dreams for your future?
Actually I don’t dream for anything high. What it comes in my way I will / have to accept it. It is surely the God who decides it. Only pray that the life should go smooth without much tension.
3. If you are going to a cruise, where would it be and why?
Of course to Hawaii or to any beautiful island………
4. How would you spend your vacation and with whom?
Would love to enjoy the vacation with my whole family, sisters, cousins, friends etc…..

5. If given a life, what life would you choose? Your life now or your past?
Have to accept anything that comes in our way. The life now or past to choose is not at all meaningful. The truth is whichever we select we can’t stay in the same, years go by.

6. Is there something that you wished before when you were young but you didn't get it?
Of course there would be many things. Pointing out 1 will be very difficult.
7. Have you been in a situation where you might have given up but you still choose to move on?
There are many, I had and still now have many tough situations. Have to face it, nobody in the world other than God can cease my sadness. Will pray and wait for it.

8. Is there someone in your life who has been your source of strength and inspiration?
First of all my parents, husband, siblings and friends are my motivations and always supports me well in all my activities.

I would like to share this award with my few blogger friends who inspired me with their inventive and sweet dishes.
Deepa of Hamaree Rasoi
Jaleela of Cookbook Jaleela
Deepa of Naughty Curry
Chandrani of Cusine Delights
My sweet friend Of Kurry leaves
Again, one more award which I received from my sweet friend Of Kurry leaves. Thank you very much dear for sharing with me this award. She owns a wonderful blog, Please do visit her blog and pass your valuable comments.
'Liebster' means favourite or dearest in German. Rules for accepting the award:
- Thank the person who gave the award and link back to their blog.
- Copy and paste the award to your blog.
- Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.
- Hope they pass it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honour
I would like to share this award with my few friends,
Prathiba of Cook eeze
Friends please grab these awards and pass it to your best blogger friend who motivates you a lot. Let the stone roll without ending


  1. Congrats on ur well deserved awards..wishing u many more ..

  2. May this new year brings u lots of happiness and takes to your dreamland -Hawaai ;-)
    Congrats on your awards dear and I accept it from you with a big hug

    Hamaree Rasoi

  3. Congrats on your awards! Interesting answers! :)

  4. Congrats on ur award. You deserve this award. I acccept ur award...

  5. CONGRATS...great to know more abt you..;)
    so sweet of you to share with me..
    keep rocking..!
    wishing you n ur family a healthy n happy new year..
    Tasty Appetite

  6. Congrats on ur awards dear, Thats truly so nice of u for sharing ur awards with me..

  7. Congratulations on your awards my friend!! Well deserved for your wonderful blog. :) Thank you also for sharing such a sweet award with me! It was so kind of you. :) All the best for the New Year!! Ramona

  8. Congrats on ur awards ,good to know mor about u...
    Wishing u a happy new year!!

  9. Dear Faseela,
    Congratulations on your awards - you really deserve them:)Also thank you so much for thinking of me - I'm thrilled and very humbled to have this award.I am on a short vacation right now but will surely blog about this award the moment I'm back:)Wish you a very happy New Year 2012!

  10. Congratulations on your awards, dear! Thank you so much for thinking of me. Wishing you a very Happy New Year :)

  11. faseels, first off a big congrats to u! and thanskyou so much for passing on the award to me, its such a pleasure! u have made my day.. thanks again! :)

  12. Hi Faseela,
    I have blogged about the award -

    Do visit sometime for a look and thanks once again:)
