
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

French Toast in a Bowl

Bread: 8 slices
Egg: 2
Sugar: 1 ½ tbsp
Milk: ¼ cup
Cinnamon Powder: ½ tsp
Vanilla Essence: ½ tsp
Butter: 1tbsp
Butter Scotch powder: 3 tbsp*
Chocolate syrup: for decoration

Method Of Preparation
In a bowl mix egg, sugar, milk, cinnamon powder and vanilla essence. Mix it well.
Grease the baking bowl with butter, arrange the bread pieces and pour the egg mix over it. Bake it in oven at 160 deg for 10min or till done.
Sprinkle the butter scotch over the baked French toast and decorate with chocolate syrup. Cut into pieces and serve.

*Butter scotch recipe
·       ½  cup cashew nuts or almonds
·       1cup sugar
·       3 tbsp butter
Grind sugar and nuts in a grinder coarsely. Heat butter in a pan and add grinded nuts to the pan and sauté till it turns golden brown. Stir continuously in medium flame  otherwise will burn. Make sure to switch off the flame in correct time otherwise it will cause bitter taste.

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