
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Oreo Cup Cakes

Refined oil: 5-7tbsp
Sugar: 3-4tbsp
Milk: ¼ cup
Vanilla essence: ¼ tsp
Salt: a pinch
Baking Powder: ¾ tsp
Baking Soda: a pinch
Maida/plain flour: ¼ cup +1tbsp
Eggs: 3
Oreo Biscuits: 10 pairs

Method Of Preparation
Make sure everything is at room temperature.
In a bowl add refined oil. Then add sugar and beat till it gets mixed up.
Then add eggs one by one and beat well.
Then add the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Beat well.
Then add vanilla essence and milk to it.
Beat it and then add flour little by little and mix it well with a wooden spatula.
Break/crush 14 single oreo biscuits without the cream (discard the cream from it) and add to the batter. Mix it lightly.
Preheat the oven at 2000 C.
Take muffin tray and line with the muffin cups. Then add single oreo cookies in each cup with the cream side up. Add the batter to it till the cup is ¾ th filled.
Bake in the preheated oven at 1700C, to about 25-28 minutes or till it is done.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pineapple-Apple Mint Juice

Pineapple: ½ of 1 pine apple
Apple: 3
Mint leaves: 5
Sugar: ¼ cup (or as per the sweetness of the fruits using)
Lemon: 2
Method Of Preparation
Peel pineapple and chop into pieces.
In a juice extractor add pineapple pieces, apple chopped (I dint peel apple) and mint leaves. Add in sugar too.
Blend it well if needed add some chilled water so as to extract the full juice from it.
Take out the juice from the extractor and add lemon juice to it.
If needed strain it again. Add some chilled water again to get the right consistency.
Serve chilled.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gooseberry/Nellikka Jam (A Healthy Spread)

Gooseberry is known as a good source of vitamin C,
It controls blood sugar in diabetes
Lowers cholesterol level
It is a natural anti ageing agent for skin; nourishes scalp and hair roots and encourages hair growth
It improves digestion and alleviates constipation
It improves blood circulation
It ensures proper functioning of liver.
It is a strong immunomodulator and protects from the onset of many diseases if taken regularly
It is a good hematinic as it raises hemoglobin level
Over to the recipe,

Gooseberry/Amla/Nellikka: 15 (big ones)
Jaggery: 300-400gms
Lemon Juice: of 1 lemon
Salt: a pinch (to adjust the taste)
Ginger: 2” piece

Method Of Preparation
Wash the gooseberries and add to the pressure cooker. Add some water and keep on stove and wait for one whistle and switch off the flame.
Let the pressure release.
Take out the gooseberries from water and discard the seeds from it. (Don’t throw away the water, use that water itself)
Again add the gooseberry to the pressure cooker with the same water.
Keep again on flame. Wait for 3-4 whistles. Let the pressure release.
Meanwhile, in another pan add jaggery, grated ginger together with ½ cup water.
Keep this on flame and let it boil and let the jaggery melt. Switch off the flame when jaggery melts and strain this and keep aside.
Open the cooker after the pressure releases. Keep it on flame without closing the lid.
Mash the gooseberries with back of lid or a masher. Let it boil and become thick. At this stage add the jaggery syrup and salt to it. When boils put the flame to the medium and stir occasionally till it starts leaving from the sides.
When it starts leaving from the sides stir frequently and add lemon juice at this stage.
Switch off the flame when you get the consistency of jam. (To check the consistency, take the cold saucer out of the freezer, put a little jam on it, and put it back in to cool for a minute. If it wrinkles when you push it with your finger, then it's done.)
Switch off the flame when done. When cooled, store in an air tight bottle.

Note: You can have this as a spread or can consume a teaspoon of it daily in the morning and evening.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pineapple Pastry

Egg: 3
Sugar: ¾ cup (as the frosting is done I added less sugar, U can add more if needed)
Butter: ½ cup/ refined oil: ½ cup
Plain Flour: 1 cup
Vanila essence: 1tsp
Salt: a pinch
Baking powder: 1tsp
Milk: ¼ cup
Whip cream: 2 sachets
Cold milk: ½ cup (or as instructed on the whipped cream pack)
Pineapple essence: 2drops
Pine apple jam: as needed
Pine apple chunks/small pieces: as needed
Green grapes: as needed (optional)
This cake i made for my son he is so craze of pick up

Method Of Preparation
Separate the egg whites and yolks. Keep aside.
Sift plain flour and baking powder. Keep aside.
Beat the egg whites till stiff peak forms. Keep aside.
In a bowl add butter and sugar and beat well till you get a creamy texture. Then add in salt, milk and vanilla essence to it.
Again beat the mixture. Then fold in the plain flour-baking powder mix.
Mix it well so that there are no lumps.
Then slowly fold in the beaten egg white without deflating the mixture.
Transfer the cake mix to the greased loaf pan or square baking tray.
Preheat the oven and bake the cake at 1700C to about 40-50minutes or till the cake test gets done.
Cool the cake completely before slicing and icing the cake.
Beat the whip cream by adding cold milk and pineapple essence.
Beat till stiff peak forms.
Slice the cake into rectangle pieces. Cut each piece into two.
Apply jam on the each slice add the whip cream on it and spread some pineapple chunks and close it with the other piece.
Then apply the whip cream all over the cake slice and decorate as per your desire and top with pine apple pieces and grapes.
Serve chilled.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dosha Pizza/ Chicken Dosha

Recipe Source: Food Path (TV Show)
Dosha batter: 1 ¼ cups
Onion: 2
Tomato: 1
Ginger: 2” piece
Green Chilli: 1
Chilli powder: ¼ tsp
Pepper powder: ¾ tsp
Turmeric powder: 1 pinch
Coriander powder: ¾ tsp
Garam Masala: ¾ tsp
Salt: needed
Chicken (boneless): 250gms
Capsicum & carrot chopped: ½ cup (optional)
Coriander leaves: ½ bunch
Oil: 3tbsp
Egg: 1

Method Of Preparation
Chop the chicken breast piece into small pieces and wash and drain.
Heat oil in a pan and add finely chopped onion. When it turns translucent add grated ginger and chilli. Saute for a while and add coriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and pepper powder.
Stir and add chopped tomato. Saute till tomato mashes up well. Then add the chicken pieces to it and give it a stir. (Don’t add water, chicken will ooze water.) Close with a lid and put low flame.
When the chicken is cooked add in capsicum and carrot. Stir and put in low flame for 2-3 minutes.
Then add in chopped coriander leaves and switch off the flame.
Take a wide pan. Put on flame and when it is heated pour the dosha batter on to it and lightly spread. Wait for the bubbles to appear on all over the dosha and spread the prepared chicken all over the dosha and pour/spread the beaten egg over the masala with a spoon. Close with a lid and put in very low flame to about 15-20 minutes or till you get it cooked.