
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Squid Head Fry

Squid Head: 12
Corn flour: ¼ cup
Maida/Plain Flour: ¼ cup
Rice Flour: ¼ cup
Light Maida batter: ½ cup ( 1tbsp maida and ½ cup water and mix well, add a bit salt too)
Oil: for frying + 1tbsp
Salt needed

Method Of Preparation
Clean the squid head, wash well and drain it.
In a bowl add 1tbsp oil and salt and add squid head to it and mix well. Keep this aside for 15-20 minutes.
Take rice flour, corn flour and plain flour, each in a separate bowl.
Add a bit salt to each flour and mix with hand.
In another bowl take maida batter.
Heat oil in a pan, Take the squid head one by one and first dip each in light maida flour, first coat with corn flour, then with rice flour and lightly again dip in maida batter and roll in plain flour.
Dee fry in oil till done.
Crispy n delicious Squid head is ready to serve.