
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sweet Chappathi Chips

Again here is a delicious crispy snack out of chappathi. Bringing out new varieties with leftovers has become a passion now and chappathi is the main item which is being left over mainly. This is a very crispy snack and frying after microwaving it makes it crispy, if we are frying chappathi as it is we will not get it crispy. It is not necessary to add powdered sugar to it, if you don’t want the sweet version you can just omit the addition of sugar. So try this recipe, I am cent percent sure that you and your kids will love it and will no more dump chappathi to the waste bin. So here goes the recipe.
Chappathi: 10
Sugar Powdered: needed
Oil: for deep frying
Method of Preparation
Cut chappathi into small pieces (as per your desire)
Keep the pieces in microwave for 3minutes in high power or till it becomes 80% crispy. (Be careful not to burn, the time varies in oven)
Heat oil in a pan, put in medium flame (if the flame is too high, it will burn fast, and Oil should not be too hot) and deep fry the pieces.
Take it out when done and sprinkle powdered sugar on it while it is hot itself.
Serve with tea.


Tri Coloured Stir Fry

Cabbage Chopped: 1 cup
Carrot chopped: ¼ cup
Cluster Beans chopped: ¼ cup
Onion: 1
Green Chilli: 2
Ginger chopped: 1tsp
Curry leaves: few
Mustard seeds: ¼ tsp
Salt: needed
Oil: 2tbsp
Dry Chilli: 2
Method of Preparation
Heat oil in a pan, splutter mustard seeds
Add curry leaves and dry chilli to it.
Stir and add chopped onion, ginger and green chilli.
When it turns slight golden color add the chopped vegetables and salt.
Close with a lid, stir occasionally till it gets cooked.
Switch off the flame when cooked (Don’t overcook the vegetables)

Sending this to Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Kaveri

Monday, January 30, 2012

Milk-Chocolate Fudge

Milk: 3 cups
Condense Milk: 1 tin
Sugar: ½ cup (can adjust according to your taste)
Corn Flour: 2tbsp
Butter: ½ cup
Cocoa Powder: 1tbsp
Method of Preparation
In a pan add milk, sugar and corn flour. Stir well without forming lumps.
Keep on the flame and stir frequently.
When it boils simmer the flame. Keep stirring.
When it starts to slightly thicken add the condense milk.
Keep stirring and after 3 minutes add butter to it.
When it thickens well and starts leaving from the sides, keep in very low flame and continue stirring for another 5 minutes.
Take ¾ portion from it and line into the grease a tray which you are going to set the fudge.
And add cocoa powder to the other ¼ portion and stir well without forming lumps and switch off the flame.
Add this chocolate mix on top of the milk mix and spread evenly on top.
When comes to the room temperature, keep in refrigerator for 4-5 hours or till it sets.
Slice in your desired shape and serve.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spicy Brinjal Fry

Brinjal/ Egg Plant: 2cups (Slice length wise and put in turmeric water for 15minutes)
Chilli powder: 1 tsp (according to your tolerance)
Turmeric powder: ½ tsp
Onion: 1 (big) (chop, thinly, length wise)
Green Chilli: 2
Curry leaves: few
Salt: needed
Coconut oil: 3-4tbsp
Method of Preparation
In a bowl, add turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt and 1tbsp oil.
Mix well with hand. Add chopped brinjal, onion, green chilli and curry leaves to it. Mix well.
Marinate for 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a pan and add the marinated brinjal to it and stir frequently till you get it done.
Serve with rice.

Sending this to Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Kaveri

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ari Pathiri

Rice Powder: 1 cup (it should be very fine powder to get better result)
Water: 1 cup
Salt: needed
Rice Flour: for dusting
Method of Preparation
Heat water in a bowl by adding salt.
When water starts to boil, add rice flour little by little, stirring continuously.
Put in low flame for 1-2minutes by stirring continuously.
Switch off the flame. Transfer it to where you are going to knead the dough.
While it is warm only, start kneading the dough. (If needed touch in water while kneading, but don’t use oil)
Take time and knead it thoroughly till it is very smooth.
Take small balls from the dough and roll it on the rolling pin to form thin round pathiri by dusting with some rice flour (same as we do in chappathi)
Heat a pan, when it is heated well, put in medium flame and place the pathiri on it.
When it is slightly heated, turn over the pathiri, then when bubble starts coming, turn to the other side again, when it puffs up, take it out.
Do the same way till you finsh the dough.

Tips: 1.Use very fine rice flour (I mainly use “Nirapara” brand)
          2. Take Time and knead the dough
          3. While rolling in the rolling pin, if u get flower like edges, then the dough has not kneaded properly and have to knead it again.
         4. Make thin pathiris and get it cooked with 3 turns (many turnovers will make it hard)
         5. Don’t use oil while kneading, just wet your hand in water (don’t use more water, just a touch is enough)
        6. Knead the dough while it is warm only
        7. Put in medium flame so that you will get pure white pathiris without brown spots.

Sending this to Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Kaveri


Chocolate Cake

This is very simple chocolate cake recipe. It was really soft and moist cake that I ever baked. This cake vanished before it is completely cooled. My kids enjoyed and loved it a lot. So try this recipe, I am sure that you too will enjoy it. Let’s go to the recipe now.
All purpose Flour/Maida: 2 cups
cocoa powder: ¾ cup
baking powder: 1 ½ tsp
baking soda: ¼ tsp
milk: 1 cup
vanilla essence: 1tsp
sugar: 2 cups
Hot Coffee: 1 cup ( can use hot water too)
oil: ½ cup
Eggs: 2

Method of Preparation
Sieve the dry ingredients together. Keep aside
In a large bowl, add the eggs, milk, oil and vanilla essence and beat with an electric mixer for about two minutes.
Then add the sieved ingredients and beat well with an electric beater without forming lumps.
Add the boiling water or coffee and mix until combined.
Pre heat the oven to 180 0 C.
Pour the batter to the greased pans and bake for 30-40 minutes or cake test is done.
To test if the cake is ready, insert a toothpick into the middle of the pan. If it comes out clean, the cake is ready.

Sending this to ABC series Desserts event hosted by Ramya

Sending this to Valentines Day Event hosted by Teena

Sending to Anzz Cafe.....Valentines Special Event

Grape Pudding

Grapes: 1 kg (seedless)
Sugar: ½ cup (or as per taste)
China Grass: 7gms
Lime Juice: 4tbsp

Method of Preparation
Blend Grapes in a blender without adding water. Strain it with a strainer to get a thick grape juice. (If needed, add bit water while straining so as to extract full juice from it)
Add sugar and lime juice to it and keep on stove and stir till sugar melts and keep in low flame.
Meanwhile boil some water and add china grass to it and keep in low flame until it melts well.
Switch off both the grape juice and china grass flame.
Add Melted china grass to the grape juice.
Transfer to the bowl in which you are going to set the pudding.
When it comes to room temperature, place in refrigerator for 2-3 hours or till it sets.
Serve Chilled.

Note: Both China Grass and Grape Juice should be in same temperature while mixing it up.

Sending this to ABC series Desserts event hosted by Ramya
Sending this to Valentines Day Event hosted by Teena

Sending to Anzz Cafe.....Valentines Special Event

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pathiri in Coconut Milk

This is sweet recipe with leftover ari pathiri. It was our childhood favorite.  It is very simple recipe and a good way to make use of it. The addition of shallots and curry leaves makes its taste heavenly.
I thought I already posted Ari Pathiri recipe. But when checked to link it up only I realized I have missed it. Anyways I will post it soon.
Ari Pathiri: 10
Coconut Milk (Fresh & thick): 1-2 cups
Sugar: 3tbsp
Shallots/pearl onion: 5
Curry leaves: few
Oil: 2tbsp
Method of Preparation
Roll together the pathiris and cut into small pieces (can make into thin strips). Keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan, add chopped shallots.
When it turns brown add curry leaves and simmer the flame and add coconut milk and sugar to it.
Stir well, when it slightly heats switch off the flame and add chopped pathiris. (do not bring the coconut milk to boil)
Stir and serve hot.

Note: If you keep it long time pathiri will get soaked in coconut milk, the better way is to keep chopped pathiri and coconut milk separate and at the time of having, mix it up.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Biscuit Pudding

Milk: 2 ½ cups
Condense Milk: 1 tin
Sugar: 4tbsp (adjust according to your taste)
China grass: 10gms (approx.)
Coco powder: 1tbsp+ for sprinkling
Biscuit: 10-15 (can use any of your choice, I used Nutro digestive biscuits)
Method of Preparation
In ½ cup boiling water, add the china grass and switch off the flame when it melts completely. Keep aside.
Meanwhile in a bowl add milk and sugar, bring it to boil.
When it boils low the flame and stir frequently. When sugar dissolves completely add condense milk.
Stir frequently and after 3-4 minutes add melted china grass to it and when it comes to boil switch off the flame.
Take ¼ portions from it and add cocoa powder to it and stir well, without lumps formed.
Let it cool to room temperature.
Powder the biscuits; just crush with hands, no need to make to fine powder.
Take a glass or a small bowl to set the pudding. (Layering is upto you, can do according to your taste)
First add some biscuit powder, then on top add some milk pudding, then again add the powdered biscuits and on top add the cocoa mixed pudding and again a biscuit layer and milk pudding. Sprinkle some cocoa powder on top.
Keep refrigerated for 2 hour or till it sets.

Note: If you want the chocolate layer more, can take half portion from the milk pudding and mix cocoa to it. Layer only when the pudding comes to room temperature.

Sending this to Kerala Kitchen Event hosted by Kaveri, ABC series Desserts event hosted by Ramya,Valentines Day Event hosted by Teena,Anzz Cafe.....Valentines Special Event, Sravani’s Chocolate Fest

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jam Stuffed Dumplings

This again is an interesting recipe. I just tried and it was really a tasty snack. Kids will surely love it. It is out of left over dosha batter. Here goes the recipe.
Idli/Dosha batter: 1cup
Maida: needed
Baking powder: ¼ tsp
Salt: needed
Apricot Jam: needed (can use any)
Oil: for deep frying
Method of Preparation
Take the idli/dosha batter in a bowl and add baking powder and salt (if needed) to it.
Stir and add maida to it to make smooth dough. (Do not make the dough hard by adding more maida, u may not get soft dumplings)
Apply some oil on your palms and take small ball from the dough and flatten it a bit. (It may be sticky still can adjust by applying oil on your palm)
Take ½ tsp jam put on the flattened ball. Roll again to a ball. (Be careful that jam won’t come out, roll/seal well)
Do the same procedures till you complete the dough.
Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the balls till all side becomes golden brown or till it is cooked well.

Note: Don’t make the dough so hard by adding more maida, the more soft the dough is you will get the dumplings soft. Seal well after putting the jam then shape into a ball.

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