
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sweet Wheat Dosha


Wheat Flour: 1 cup
Jaggery grated: ¼ cup (or as per taste)
Coconut grated: 3 tbsp
Cardamom powder: ½ tsp
Cashew nuts: 6
Salt: a pinch
Oil/Ghee: required to make doshas
Water: 1 ¼ cup

Method of Preparation
Heat jaggery by adding water till it melts completely. Then strain it to remove the impurities.
Just blend the coconut and cashews without adding water.
In a bowl add wheat flour, cardamom powder and salt. Mix well
Then add jaggery syrup and grinded coconut paste, stir well without forming lumps.
You have to get the consistency of dosha batter. (Increase or decrease water accordingly).
Heat a non- stick pan, pour a ladle full batter and spread it circularly.
Pour a tsp of ghee/oil at the edges of dosha.
When 1 side gets cooked turn the other side and cook.
Take out when done.
Serve hot..