
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cup Cake Topped With Oreo

Refined oil: 5-7tbsp
Sugar: 3-4tbsp
Milk: ¼ cup
Vanilla essence: ¼ tsp
Salt: a pinch      
Baking Powder: ¾ tsp
Baking Soda: a pinch
Maida/plain flour: ¼ cup +1tbsp
Eggs: 3
Oreo Biscuits: as needed to top

Method Of Preparation
Make sure everything is at room temperature.
Powder the sugar.
In a bowl add refined oil. Then add sugar and beat till it gets mixed up.
Then add eggs one by one and beat well.
Then add the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Beat well.
Then add vanilla essence and milk to it.
Beat it and then add flour little by little and mix it well with a wooden spatula.
Preheat the oven at 2000 C.
Take muffin tray and line with the muffin cups. Then add single oreo cookies in each cup with the cream side up. Add the batter to it till the cup is ¾ th filled. Top each cup with half of one pair oreo. (This oreo biscuits will stay crunchy even after baking)
Bake in the preheated oven at 1700C, to about 25-28 minutes or till it is done.