
Monday, October 22, 2012

Capsicum Carrot Roll

Wheat Flour/Flour No.2: 2cups
Water Roux: 3tbsp (Add 1tbsp wheat flour to ¼ cup water and cook till you get it to custard consistency, it should be at room temperature)
Warm Milk: 1 ¼ cups (or as needed)
Refined Oil/Butter: 3tbsp + more while kneading)
Salt: needed
Sugar: 1tbsp
Yeast: ¾ tbsp
Warm Water: ¼ cup
Sesame seeds: few (for sprinkling)
Egg: for egg wash
Onion: 1 small
Capsicum: 1 small
Carrot: 1 small
Tomato: 1 small
Chilli powder: ½ tsp
Salt: needed
Tomato ketchup: 2tbsp
Coriander leaves: few
Oil: 2tbsp

Method Of Preparation
Heat oil in a pan and add finely chopped onion, sauté for a while and add chopped capsicum and carrot. Saute for few more minutes and add finely chopped tomato, chilli powder and salt. Saute this till tomato is slightly mashed. Switch off the flame and add tomato ketchup and coriander leaves. Keep aside. Let it cool.
In a bowl add yeast, sugar and warm water. Wait for 10-15 minutes till it gets fermented.
Add oil or butter to warm milk (milk should be warm enough to get the butter melted)
In a bowl add wheat flour, water roux, milk butter mix, fermented yeast and salt.
Knead to form smooth and soft dough. (the dough should be slightly sticky and apply oil on hand occasionally and knead well)
Place the dough in an air tight container to about 1- 1 ½ hours or till it doubles the size.

Take the dough and roll it flat to ¼” thick.
Add the prepared filling on it and spread.
Roll from one end to the other.
Cut into 3 or 4 pieces.
Place this into a rectangular baking tray lined with butter paper with the cut side up.
Apply egg wash vigorously and sprinkle some sesame seeds and coriander leaves.
Cover and keep this again for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile preheat the oven.
Bake in a preheated oven at 1700C to about 60-65 minutes or till you get it done. (I got it done around 60minutes)
Cool on a wire rack, place in tissue lined bowl while it is warm and cover it with a tissue so that the bread don’t go hard. Lining the bowl with tissue will avoid bread becoming soggy too.

Tips for making soft bread
Make sure the yeast is not expired.
Water should be blood hot (not too warm) (this will avoid the yeasty smell of the dough)
While kneading use warm milk in which butter and oil is added, this increase the softness.
The dough should be sticky, hard dough will make the bread hard.
Don’t keep the dough for more hours. (This will avoid the yeasty smell of the dough)
Water Roux have made the bread very soft. So my advice is to try out making any type of bread by adding water roux.