
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Strawberry Layered Cake

This is an easy and tastier version of simple cake. It is not made in oven. I prepared the cake in a non-stick pan in very low flame. I was really surprised when I got it done well. The filling of strawberry jam was really awesome. The recipe of strawberry jam, I will post it soon. Just try it out and give me the feedback. Here goes the recipe……
Maida: ¾ cup
Sugar: 2 ½ tbsp
Baking Powder: ½ tsp
Butter: 2tbsp
Egg: 2
Vanilla Essence: ½ tsp
Milk: ¼ cup
Strawberry Jam: needed to spread on the cake. (Can use any jam of your choice)
Ghee: ¼ tsp
Method of Preparation
Mix maida and baking powder in a bowl.
Add egg in a bowl and beat with an electric beater until fluffy. (Take time and beat it till it comes fluffy)
Add butter andsugar, beat again with an electric mixer till sugar completely melts.
Then add maida mix little by little and beat continuously and thoroughly.
Heat a non-stick pan, (do not over heat the pan), grease it with the ghee, low the flame well and add the prepared batter to it.
Close with a lid.
Put in low flame to about 5-7 minutes. Check whether the cake is done by inserting a tooth pick.
Cut the cake into two equal parts.
Spread jam on each piece and keep one piece on the other.
Cut this into desired shapes.
Delicious layered cake is ready.

Sending this to ABC series Desserts event hosted by Ramya


  1. wow thats looks so yummy, appetizing!.

  2. Very new kind of cake. Looks so soft...

  3. yummy and simple recipe. thanks for linking to my event

  4. Making in a non stick pan is really innovative..will try this one out..looks good

  5. wow! unbelievable! I must try it out soon!

  6. Simply superb!!looking so beautiful..waiting for a eggless cake recipe :)

  7. superb and beautiful cake !! perfectly done !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Chocolate Fest

  8. Beautifully made and cut. Looks very tempting to the eye.

  9. Beautiful cake! I can't believe you cooked the cake in a pan on the stove and not in the oven. Wow, now that's so cool. I love the strawberry layer too. Well done! :)

  10. wonderful shortbread btw i've send you my mail id

  11. wow... fabulous idea... will try it soon...

  12. very tempting will surely love it!!

    Erivum Puliyum

  13. Great looking layered cake, feel like having some..

  14. thanks for linking with my event

  15. Ohh this is soo new to me!Never tried baking a cake in a pan - but will have to give this a try now.The cake looks so delicious and I am up for a quick bite:)Thanks so much for sharing,Faseela!

  16. Lovely flavors , must be really delicious!!!
