
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pazham Nirachath/Stuffed Plantain


Plantain/Banana: 4
Coconut: 1cup
Cardamom powder: ½ tsp
Cashews& raisins: 2tbsp each
Ghee: 2tbsp
Sugar: 2tbsp
Maida: ¼ cup (add a bit salt and 1/2tsp sugar to it)
Oil: 4tbsp or as needed for shallow fry

Method Of Preparation

Make lengthwise 4 slits on banana.
Heat ghee in a pan, add cashews and raisins and roast it.
Then add grated coconut to it. Stir for 2minutes and switch off the flame. Then add in sugar and cardamom powder to it and stir.
In another bowl take maida and add little water and salt and sugar and make smooth paste out of it.
Take the slit bananas; carefully fill in the coconut mix through the slits.
Close the slits with the maida paste.
Heat oil in a pan and add the bananas to it and shallow fry the bananas till all sides turn golden brown.

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