
Friday, December 12, 2014

Oreo Sandwiched Cup Cakes

Maida: 1/2 cup
Egg: 4
Sugar: 5 tbsp
Baking Powder: 1/2 tsp
Refined oil: 3tbsp
Vanilla Essence: 3/4 tsp
Salt: a pinch
Oreo biscuits:as needed

Method Of Preparation
Make sure everything is at room temperature.
In a bowl add maida and baking powder and sieve it twice.
Take another bowl and add egg to the bowl.
Beat well with an electric beater till it becomes fluffy. Then add sugar and salt and beat well till it melts.
Then add vanilla essence and refined oil and beat it again.
Then add maida and fold it without lumps and deflating the batter.
Line the muffin tray with muffin cups.
Pour little batter and add one pair oreo and on top of the oreo add little more batter till the cup is 3/4rth filled.
Preheat the oven and bake at 160 deg C to about 18-22 minutes or till done.

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