
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Strawberry Swiss Roll

Maida: 1/2 cup
Egg: 4
Sugar: 5 tbsp
Baking Powder: 1/2 tsp
Strawberry Essence:3/4 tsp
Red Colour: 1/2 tsp
Salt: a pinch
Whip cream:1 Sachets
Chilled Milk: 1/4 cup
Vanila essence: 3/4tsp

Strawberry: needed
Powdered sugar: while rolling

Method Of Preparation
In a bowl add maida and baking powder and sieve it twice.
Take another bowl and add egg to the bowl.
Beat well with an electric beater till it becomes fluffy. Then add sugar and salt and beat well till it melts.
Then add vanilla essence and color and beat it again.
Then add maida and fold it without lumps and deflating the batter.
Grease the swiss roll tray or line it with butter paper. Pour the batter to it.
Preheat the oven at 200 deg c and bake it at 160 deg C to about 20minutes or till done.
Take out the cake when done and before it cools take a kitchen towel sprinkle little sugar powder over it and keep the cake on the kitchen towel and roll it and keep it aside till it cools.

Meanwhile prepare the icing by beating whip cream powder with chilled milk and vanilla essence till it reach the peak.

After it the cake cools well unroll the cake and apply the icing and spread the chopped strawberry over it and roll it again. Cut into slices and serve.