
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Honey Cardamom Cake Topped With Pecan Nuts

Recipe Source: Divya's Culinary Journey

Thanks a lot Divya for this super yummy cake recipe. I have done slight variation by using oil instead of butter and Normal sugar instead of Light brown Sugar.

All Purpose Flour: 1 ¼ cups
Baking powder: ½ teaspoon
Baking Soda: 2 pinch 
Salt: ¼ teaspoon
Cardamom, 7-8 nos (powdered with a tablespoon of Sugar)
Sunflower oil: ¼ cup
Sugar powdered: 1/8 cup
Eggs: 1
Honey: ½ cup
Warm water 1/3 cup
Pecan Nuts: needed

Method Of Preparation
Pre heat the oven to 200 C. Apply oil and sprinkle flour or line the tray with butter paper.
In a bowl combine together all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and powdered cardamom and keep it aside.
In another large bowl, whisk butter and sugar together. Then add egg and mix well. 
Then add honey and mix well.
To this mixture, add flour mixture and warm water little by little and mix well.
To the prepared cake pan pour the cake batter and sprinkle chopped pecan nuts over the batter.
Bake till the cake is done at 160 C to about 30-35 minutes. 
Let the cake cool, and then remove it from the pan, slice and serve. 


  1. Thanks for trying the cake and giving your feedback.. The cake looks perfect.. Love the topping of pecans.. :)
