
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inji Mittai

Recipe Source: Gayathri's Cook Spot

Ginger: 150gm

Sugar: 1 ¼ cups

Maida/APF: 2-3tbsp

Cardamom powder: a pinch

Method Of Preparation

Peel the skin of the ginger and clean it thoroughly.

Grind it with 1/2 cup of water to a fine paste.

Strain the juice in a metal strainer.

Add another 1/4 cup of water to the fibers and grind again.

Filter this also. Discard the pith.

Keep the juice for 30 minutes. Pour it into another bowl and you can see white sediment at the bottom. Discard that.

In a pan add sugar along with the juice and cardamom powder and bring it to boil.

Keep flame on medium and cook until the syrup comes to two string consistency. When you take a drop between the index and thumb, two string should form between the fingers.

When the syrup is of right consistency, add the flour and mix it vigorously so that no lumps form.

Cook for a minute on low flame and pour it into a greased plate.

When semi set, cut out lines using a knife.

Allow it to cool completely. 

Cut on the pre cut lines.

Remove the mittai from the plate and store in an air tight jar. 

Use when you have indigestion or cold.