
Monday, January 2, 2012

Fried Ice Cream

I saw this fried ice cream from Asianet Cookery Show, I was really wondering by hearing the recipe name and excitedly watched till the end. As soon as I saw this I wanted to try and for luck these ingredients where lying in my pantry. So as soon as I tried I am placing it before you. It is really very tasty and can be easily made and of course it is an innovative snack. So try this, here goes the recipe.
Bread: 10
Strawberry Ice Cream: 10 tbsp (can use any flavor of your choice)
Bread Crumps: needed
Oil: For Deep Frying
Method of Preparation
Remove the sides of the bread (brown crust). (This step is optional.)
Take little water in a bowl, dip the bread in water and squeeze the water from the bread by keeping it flat on the palm, use both the hands while squeezing, be careful not to tear the bread.
Take 1tbsp ice cream, place it in the middle of the bread and roll it into round shape without the ice cream coming out side.
Roll this bread balls in bread crumps. Continue the same processes till you finish all the bread.
Heat oil in a pan, deep fry the bread balls till all the sides becomes golden brown color.
An innovative and delicious snack is ready to serve.

Note: Should use very cold ice cream, if it starts melting it will difficult to fold in bread.

Sending this to ABC series Desserts event hosted by Ramya


  1. aha kollalo.. i have tasted it in some restaurants before. never knew how they made it. will try sometime

  2. Yum yum,fried ice cream, its in my to do list since a long,well done..

  3. Delicious recipe....Thanks for sharing.

  4. I used to do it with a refined flour mix .Its tough to do it with bread.Yummy

  5. lovely recipe, wanted to try it from long time..
    Hopefully sometime soon..

  6. Kollamallo!! never had this....happy new year!!

  7. Happy New Year Faseela:-) Fried Ice Cream is my favou..picture is so good.

  8. interesting recipe, sounds yum..Happy New year to you and your family.

  9. delicious and very interesting recipe..will try this soon :)

  10. I too had seen this recipe on T.V...Looks very Yum!

  11. Very interesting and delicious recpe, feseela.

  12. Yummy yum .. A nice twist.. I too saw this recipe in asianet but didn't have the courage to try out , now after looking at your recipe..sure will tryout!!

  13. wow..interesting & simple recipe!! Glad tht it came out well :) No icecream in stock else i wud have tried it today itself ;)

  14. I was just shocked by seen the name...:) Sounds tasty & interesting,I guess I have tasted something similar to this somewhere...Thanks for sharing...

  15. this is a very interesting recipe. u have a nice visit mine too

  16. wow...fried icecream is something i have never heard, seen or eaten! looks so delecious, i wanna try it but i have 1 question.. does the ice cream inside remain solid after frying?

  17. Deeps: It dont remain solid, it melts a but eventhough it melts it wont leak or come outside from the bread.Just after frying when u check the icecream inside it will be cold enough....It tastes superb...try it out let me know

  18. wow.....fried ice cream...bookmarking it :-)could hav never thought of this be4 :-)

  19. want to have this soon..thanks for linking with my event.

  20. I love fried ice cream and now finally I find a recipe to make it. It looks amazing!!!
