
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bread Puttu

If you have left over bread……don’t wait till it pass the expiry date before that make use of it. Make coarse powder out of it and dry roast it…better to dry roast in microwave……so u can use it as bread crumps and as well as u can make delicious soft puttu out of it. U can preserve it for 2 months, putting in an air tight container and refrigerate it.

Bread Slices: 15
Grated Coconut: 1 cup
Salt: needed
Method of Preparation
Grind the bread into coarse powder. Roast till it becomes crisp n slight brown color.
You can roast it in microwave, put up to 6-8 minutes. When done it resemble bread crumps. Be careful it will not burn, stir on every two minutes. So u gets it done well.
Mix salt in water, when the bread crumps are cooled well, add water little by little as we do for normal rice puttu. Be careful while adding water should not form to dough. There will be lumps formed. So just keep in refrigerator for 1 hour/ can keep it in room temperature also. But will be done fast when refrigerated.
After 1 hour take it out from the fridge and just blend once in a blender. Do it only one, if you blend it more it will turn to dough, so be careful while blending, do it only once.
So now you will get it as normal wet puttu powder without lumps.
Take the puttu maker, add little grated coconut and add a fistful bread powder, then add little grated coconut and fistful bread powder continue the process until it reaches the top.
Steam for 3-4 minutes.
Delicious soft bread puttu is ready now………


  1. interesting I haven't made puttu with bread before looks delicious

  2. Already prepared bread crumbs would also work?
    I have had bread upma; will try this!:-)

  3. prepared bread crumps also will do......

  4. delicious n lovely innovative recipe..perfectly done!!

  5. very innovative recipe way to use the stale bread..!!

  6. That is a great dish with bread!! love it.. thanks for linking and also reposting...
