
Friday, September 23, 2011

Mushroom Dry Fry

Enchant, stay beautiful and graceful, but do this, eat well. Bring the same consideration to the preparation of your food as you devote to your appearance. When you just go through the below recipe you will think that it don’t taste good. But to say, it is a very delicious recipe. Unless you make it you won’t believe it.
  1. Mushroom: 400gm
  2. Onion: 1 medium
  3. Chilli powder: ¾ tsp (or as per taste)
  4. Turmeric powder: ½ tsp
  5. Salt: needed
  6. Coconut oil: 3tsp
  7. Curry leaves: few
Method of Preparation:
  • Cut and wash the mushrooms.
  • Grind the slice onion into a smooth paste together with salt.
  • In a pan add mushrooms, onion paste turmeric powder, chilli powder and curry leaves.
  • Mix thoroughly with hand. No need to add water.
  • Keep on the stove and close with a lid. When becomes hot low the flame. The water will come from itself.
  • Put on a low flame until mushroom is cooked and the gravy is fully dry.
  • Switch off the flame. Add coconut oil and curry leaf and close the lid for 5 minutes. Let the flavor of coconut oil and curry leaf come to it.
Tip: coconut oil and curry leaf gives it the special taste. These 2 ingredients are important.

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