
Monday, October 29, 2012

Braided Bread

Maida/Plain Flour: 2 cups
Milk: 1 ¼ cups (or as required)
Butter: 3tbsp
Refined Oil: 4tbsp + while kneading if needed
Salt: needed
Sugar: 2tbsp
Yeast: ¾ tsp
Warm water: ¼ cup
Egg: for egg wash
White sesame seeds: few

Method Of Preparation
In a bowl add yeast and ½ tbsp sugar. Add warm water to it.
Wait for 8-10 minutes till it gets fermented.
Warm the milk and add the butter and refined oil to it.
In another bowl take plain flour, salt and sugar.
Then add yeast and warm milk to it.
Knead to form somewhat sticky dough.
Apply oil on hand and knead for 5-8 minutes to get it soft.
Place in a greased bowl and keep it well covered for about 45minutes-1hour or till it doubles the size.

Take the dough and divide to 6 equal portions. Roll each ball to long elongated strands.
Take 3 strands, keep parallel to each other. Press the top edge of each strand together and press, now braid/pleat it like how we pleat the hair; press the end of three strands together after pleating.
Keep it on the greased or baking tray lined with butter paper.
Do the same with other strand too.
Brush the egg wash on it and sprinkle sesame seeds.
Cover the baking tray well and again wait for 20-30 minutes till it gets again double the size.
Preheat the oven and bake it at 1600C to about 60-75 minutes or till you gets it done.
Cool on a wire rack and keep in an air tight bowl lined with clean towel or kitchen tissues while the bread is warm itself. This will avoid the bread being hard.

Tips for making soft bread
Make sure the yeast is not expired.
Water should be blood hot (not too warm) (this will avoid the yeasty smell of the dough)
While kneading use warm milk in which butter and oil is added, this increase the softness.
The dough should be sticky, hard dough will make the bread hard.
Don’t keep the dough for more hours. (This will avoid the yeasty smell of the dough)


  1. bread looks perfect. nice dear.

  2. Those breads look professionally done, well done

  3. delicious bread recipe and you have made it perfect

    60 Days to Christmas
    Cook like Priya

  4. wow tempting recipe..mouth watering dear...

  5. Delicious loaf,nicely explained too dear:)

  6. love this bread Faseela love how you make the braided, look awesome!!

  7. Good going Faseela.. Love the bread !
