
Monday, October 24, 2011

Banana Chappathi

Maida/wheat flour: 1 cup
Banana/Plantain: 1
Salt: needed
Sugar: 3tbsp
Coconut grated: 4tbsp (optional)
Cardamom Powder:  a pinch
Ghee: needed
Method of Preparation
Knead Maida into smooth dough by adding enough water and salt. Keep aside for 1 hour.
Steam plantain till it is cooked well.
Mash banana without lumps, add grated coconut, sugar and cardamom powder to it and mix well.
Equally divide the dough into 4 or 5 balls.
Take each ball, roll into a small chappathi on a rolling pin. Take a lemon sized ball from banana mix keep in the middle of the prepared chappathi and fold from all sides and again flatten a bit without the filling coming out of it.
Heat a tawa, add 1tsp ghee and cook the chappathi till it is done on both sides.
Serve hot with tea.

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