
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beetroot Pachadi

Beetroot chopped in small pieces or grated: 1 cup
Ginger: small piece
Garlic: 1 clove
Green Chilli: 2
Curd/Yogurt: 1cup
Coconut Grated: ¼ cup
Mustard seeds: needed  for tempering and 1/4tsp for grinding
Coconut Oil: 3tbsp    
Salt: needed                 

Method Of Preparation
Grind together coconut, mustard, ginger, garlic, chilli and curd. Keep this aside
Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and curry leaves. When it splutters add the beetroot. Heat in low flame and get it cooked. If needed sprinkle some water.
When it gets cooked low the flame and and add the curd mix and stir well. When it gets mixed lightly increase the flame and after half minute switch off the flame.
Note that you should not heat more after adding the curd mix.

Serve with rice.